Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What is dark matter..

Today is science day not for the world but for me. From the evening I've been a geek and going through online science magazines and videos. So the idea of this blog came to mind to try to salvage some of the facts for future reads.......
The first one is on black matter and the material is from NASA website. I hope NASA doesn't mind :)
The Black Matter
As we know our very own Sun is a part of the Milky Way galaxy with more than 100 billion other stars. Now on a larger scal individual galaxies are concentrated in groups called the Cluster of Galaxies. Now this clusters include the galaxies and anything that is between these galaxies and these are held together by mutual gravitational forces. The space in between the galaxies are filled with hot gas; so hot that it shines in x-rays instead of natural lights. Scientists tried to calculate how much total material is included in these clusters. Remarkably it turns out that it contains five times more material in clusters than what the calculations show. Scientists conclude that most of the spaces between the galaxies are filled with material which are invisible. This 'invisible matter' is know as Black Matter and it is believed to occupy the most space of the universe. Research is still going on to determine the exact whatabouts about the black matter and its effects on the universe.

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